What To Bring To Camp

Cell phones are not recommended at the camps & are to be used for emergency situations.
Any use of cell phones for recreational purposes will be taken away.  

TESA Day Camps

The following is what we recommend you bring to the TESA Summer Day Camps.

Soccer Ball, soccer shoes, tennis shoes/indoor (no black bottom shoes), shin guards.

Sun screen. Campers should have sunscreen on at the beginning of each soccer camp. Parents, please make sure your son or daughter has sun screen applied to start the camp. We also ask that they go through the steps of applying sun screen so they can re-apply sun screen throughout the day.

Flip-flops, slides or sandals: Please bring different shoes to wear while walking to the pool, cafeteria, gym (Indoor soccer) & soccer field.

Water bottle with locking top: we provide water and Gatorade, but we recommend bringing a bottle you can fill up. Not a priority as we have cups at each water/Gatorade station. It is recommended that each camper have their own water bottle & not share water bottles.

Bring enough clothes for 2 Sessions (soccer shorts, T-Shirt)

Swimming trunks/Towel – If the pool is available, we will have swimming time (30-45 minutes) each day except Friday’s. Campers can choose to swim or watch video in the Team Room. Bring towel, swimming trunks & sun block.

Spending money: we will have a camp store open during camp and during breaks (Drinks, snacks, etc.. we recommend $30-$40 per week and it is recommended campers put money in the camp store bank at the beginning of each camp week or daily). We are not responsible for any lost money that is not put in the camp store bank.

Any medical attention: Epipens, allergies, etc.. needs to be discussed with our athletic trainer at the first day of camp. We will make sure all medical attention is provided and our athletic trainers/staff is equipped to handle these situations. We have an athletic trainer on site for all sessions of soccer camps.

TESA Camps

The following is what we recommend you bring to the College ID Camp (boys only 14-18 years old).

Soccer Ball, soccer shoes, tennis shoes/indoor (no black bottom shoes), shin guards.

Sun screen. Campers should have sunscreen on at the beginning of each soccer camp. Parents, please make sure your son has sun screen applied prior to start the camp. We also ask that they go through the steps of applying sun screen so they can re-apply sun screen throughout the day.

Flip-flops, slides or sandals: Please bring different shoes to wear while walking to the pool, cafeteria, gym (Indoor soccer) & soccer field.

Water bottle with locking top: we provide water and Gatorade, but we recommend bringing a bottle you can fill up. Not a priority as we have cups at each water/Gatorade station. It is recommended that each camper have their own water bottle & not share water bottles.

Bring 2-3 shirts you can change during the day as players will sweat in the sun. Sessions are intense at the College ID camps so you will most likely want to change shirts between the morning and afternoon sessions.

The camp is not affiliated with the University of Tampa, nor does the University of Tampa sponsor or oversee the camp